LMS Report published
La prima edizione del Learning Management Report è stata completata e pubblicata. Descrive quattro diversi plugin per WordPress per creare un sistema di gestione dell’apprendimento (LMS). Views: 0
Erasmus+ Project 2020-1-AT01-KA204-078005
Timeline Post Type Description
La prima edizione del Learning Management Report è stata completata e pubblicata. Descrive quattro diversi plugin per WordPress per creare un sistema di gestione dell’apprendimento (LMS). Views: 0
The team published the first edition of the multimedia report. The guide describes the findings of the project team on 36 pages. Views: 0
This meeting took place in Angra do Heroismo (PT). Besides monitoring and evaluation, the process of correct project closing has been initiated. Views: 0
End of August 2022, the second staff training of the team took place in Angra do Heroismo (Terceira, PT). Views: 0
The time between the two staff training activities was used to work on various learning platforms. The results of each team were practiced in the second staff training in Angra do Heroismo (PT). Views: 0
The first staff training (LTT1) took place in Odense (Denmark), hosted by BrainLog. The focus was set on the use of the analyzed multimedia tools and the creating of learning content. Views: 0
The months after the meeting in Wiener Neustadt were dedicated to the analysis of multimedia tools. The approach focused on free-to-use tools. Views: 0
The COVID-19 situation has changed due to the big number of vaccinated people (in Austria, approx. 50% of the population). This situation enabled the first Face-to-Face Meeting of the project! Views: 0
Use of Multiple Devices in Learning: How to display interactive and multimedia-based content correctly? The result of the questionnaire enhanced by findings during the project development was published begin of March 2021. Views: 0
In the frame of the project, the partner started a survey asking the project’s target group about the practical use of multiple devices in technology-enhanced learning. For this reason, three different micro-apps have been created and people were asked to test them using various devices and to provide feedback in a questionnaire. Views: 0