
The partners in this project are well distributed in Europe, each partner has specific expertise and brings added value to the project.

  • Expertise,
  • Competencies,
  • Scientific reputation,
  • Particular interest in the project goal,
  • Reliability and good reputation,
  • Specific training field (target groups, environmental conditions) and
  • From countries where citizens’ digital skills are below the European average.

Each partner brings specific experience and skills to the table in order to create a well-suited complementary group that can cover a wide range of adult education (AE) topics.

There is complementarity between the participating organizations

  • Age of the organization’s learners (from 18 to 70+)
  • The subjects of courses and training
  • The working environment (from individual courses to large training courses)
  • The different areas (from big cities to remote places)
  • The structure, age and experience of the trainers in the organizations

Partner in this project:

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