H5P – Course Presentation

This content element consists of slides with multimedia, text, and many, different types of interactions like interactive summaries, multiple choice questions and interactive videos. Learners can experience new interactive learning material and test their knowledge and memory in a course. H5P – Course Presentation is an excellent tool to combine readings with interactive content and integrated questions.

These course presentations are useful at the beginning of a course or to give an overview to a specific topic. Otherwise, you may use this H5P element to combine text, videos (or animations) with other active learning content. Please check the examples to learn more about the scope of interactivity of this H5P element!

In Flipped Learning 3.0(1) it might be used in the “Individual Learning Space”, focusing on Lower Bloom’s content (see: Bloom’s Taxonomy). It is possible to integrate questions (with immediately done correct answers). This feature enables the use of this tool for “Learning by Assessment” – a modern and well-proven approach to active learning.


About the H5P framework

H5P is a free and open-source content collaboration framework based on JavaScript. H5P is an abbreviation for HTML5 Package. This tool aims to make it easy for everyone to create, share and reuse interactive HTML5 content. Besides the H5P – Course Presentation, there exist more than 20 other very well-done elements.

Further information – H5P Framework: H5P.org


(1) Do not mix Flipped Learning with the “Flipped Learning 3.0” framework. These two terms sound similar but man different things. Flipped Learning, developed approx. 15 years ago, is a root of the modern Flipped Learning 3.0 Framework (published November 2018) and bases on the 187 Global Elements of Effective Flipped Learning.
If you need more information, have a look at the FAdE Project’s Webpage.

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