Multimedia Tools – results of the survey

In our Facebook group, we started a survey about frequently used multimedia tools. We mentioned some standard tools used in our organisations.

The result was surprising. Here is a screenshot (we condensed the image to provide a better overview).

We see it as an impact to our project and we will check the proposed and suggested tools as well.

End of December, our study will be finished, and we will create the report. We also will publish examples of the tools to get an impression of what you can do with these multimedia products.

Short summary of the survey

The most voted tool is padlet, an interactive board that might be used as a collaboration tool. The very popular Canva is among the first five and obviously the most-used tool to develop various graphics.

Tools to create cartoons, like AniMaker, were not selected. This was surprising for us as well, as the creating of animated cartoons including lip-synchronous speaking toons has become easy for even not so experienced people.

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