Tutor LSM

Let’s discover more on Tutor LSM!

Starting from a wordpress website, you can have a wide offer of free plugins to develop learning management systems.

Today, we will discover more about Tutor LSM.

According to our experience, Tutor LSM is a quite complete tool. It offers high-quality options, meets all specifications, and its templates can be personalized and linked to WordPress. There are also fee based layouts but prices are fair.

Thanks to Tutor, it is possible to create courses with a userfriendly layout, and set-up different features like number of students, the difficulty, need for enrolling or not, open the possibility to Q&A.

It includes a course builder, where courses can be structured in different topics/modules.

Each topic can include lessons and quizzes. Lessons can include different formats (texts, pictures, videos, links) but also attachments. There are many options for the quizzes as well: multiple choices, fill in the blanks and many more. Moreover, more quizzes and interactions can be created with the H5P plugin.

For a deeper description of Tutor LSM, you can register to our Epale group:  InterMedia – Implementation of Interactivity & multimedia-based content with Multiple Devices | EPALE (europa.eu)

You can find instructions on how to register to the Epale community here: EPALE – the project’s CoP Platform

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