Column content element (H5P)

The H5P Column content type allows users to organise and group various interactive elements such as multiple choice questions, fill-in-the-blanks, and text within a column layout. This feature enables the creation of engaging and coherent learning experiences by clustering content that addresses similar topics or themes. Authors can creatively combine nearly all existing H5P content types, enhancing the versatility of their instructional materials. Furthermore, H5P Column content can be seamlessly embedded or downloaded, facilitating easy sharing across platforms like Canvas, Brightspace, Blackboard, Moodle, and WordPress.

Example of a column element

DigiComPass Project LogoThis example combined a describing text with an interactive map. Basically, you can combine almost all available elements of the H5P framework as an item in the column. This example was developed for the DigiComPass Training course. In the frame of this Erasmus+ Project, the team developed a digital competency training course based on the DigComp Framework with a Flipped Learning Approach.

Where to use it?

Here are some examples where you can use the column element for creating appealing learning content.

Language Learning Module

Create an engaging language learning module by grouping vocabulary exercises, grammar explanations, and interactive dialogues in a single column layout. For instance, start with a text section explaining the past tense, followed by a fill-in-the-blanks exercise for practice, and finish with a multiple-choice quiz to test understanding.

Science Experiment Guide

Design a comprehensive guide for a science experiment by combining instructional text, video demonstrations, and interactive questions. Begin with a detailed description of the experiment’s objective and materials needed, embed a video showing the procedure, and include multiple-choice questions to check for comprehension.

History Lesson Plan

Organise a history lesson plan by integrating timelines, primary source documents, and quizzes. Use a text element to outline the historical period, add images of primary documents with annotations, and conclude with a multiple-choice quiz to assess students’ knowledge of the material.

Use of the column element in the Individual Learning Space of Flipped Learning 3.0

In the Individual Learning Space of Flipped Learning 3.0, the H5P Column content element can be used to create structured, self-paced learning modules. It allows educators to combine different types of interactive content—such as instructional texts, videos, quizzes, and practice exercises—into a cohesive, column-based layout.

This setup enables students to engage with the material independently, completing activities sequentially to reinforce their understanding before class. By providing various content formats within a single interface, the H5P Column element supports diverse learning preferences and helps students better prepare for in-class activities and discussions.

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