Self-Evaluation with eXe-Learning

Self-evaluations are common in Adult Education, but also in other fields of education. A self-evaluation enables the learner to determine his point of learning and find out how far he is in his learning process. Self-evaluation with eXe-Learning enables trainers to create simple tests for the learners.

Here we present an example developed from Kylene D’Angelis (Training2000, Italy), a partner of the EBI, in the frame of the DISK Project1. In this project, the content development makes extensive use of multimedia and interactivity. The example is taken from Module 11 “Privacy & safety” and builds the final self-assessment in the module.

[iframe src=”” width=”100%”]

Hint: To repeat the test, please refresh the complete page. To get an evaluation, scroll to the bottom – where you will find the “evaluate” button.

Further considerations with eXe-Learning created tests

List of question types

Here is the list of built-in question types.

EXe-Learning offers a large number of various question types. Even if they do not use sophisticated effects like H5P the use of tests created with eXe-Learning is always an option. The reasons are:

  • eXe is light weight in content creation (H5P often is more complex)
  • You can use eXe-generated learning content as a stand-alone application (you do not need a host, but you need a webspace (you can access, for example, with an FTP client).
  • You create reusable content
  • eXe-files can easily be translated
  • You may insert all kinds of multimedia-based and interactive content in an eXe-Learning created learning content.

Stumbling blocks

While the creation of learning content using eXe-Learning looks quite simple, problems arise in the connection building to the content. In most cases, you must upload the eXe-Learning output files and link them to a “central point” in the course (this might be a link collection in Teams as well as a link list in a WordPress page).

1 Digital Immigrants Survival Kit (DISK) cares about the digital competencies of older people or others that lack in those and therefore are in the danger to be excluded from the modern digital society.

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